I finished all of my shopping and aside from what the demonstration has gotten in the way of, I have crossed most things off of my list. Two more days of classes and then I am back to the real world! See everyone very soon :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Vertigo Grill & Moon Bar
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
French Fried...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Count Your Blessings!

Today, is another very special day. Happy Birthday to one blessing I thank the Lord for everyday I wake up! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MAMA!! The older I get the more I hear, as well as can tell in myself, that I am turning more into my Mama. There could not be a bigger compliment in my eyes. You are the rock to so many both family and friends. I hope and pray that one day, I will have as much wisdom and experience as you do. I know it is not easy dealing with your highly emotional daughter, but I thank you for it! I don't know what I would do if I did not have you to pick up the phone and call as I go through each day in my emotional whirlwinds. Even though you may be enjoying the break of my constant phone calls throughout the day, not being able to pick up the phone and call you is DRVING ME NUTS!!!!! Just a few more days, Mama, and you will once again be able to rest a little better knowing that I am home. I know you and I know you have not quit worrying since the second I said good-bye on the plane in Atlanta. I hope you have a WONDERFUL day and I thank you for all that you do! I love you to the heavens and back!!! See you soon :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Reds Did Rally
Friday, March 19, 2010
Quick Update...

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A Hint of Green...

This week has been mainly occupied with school. Unfortunately, if these Red Shirts don't slack off, school is going to continue to occupy the rest of the trip. However, better safe, than sorry!! I had my first run in with a few of them yesterday. It was 4 elderly women decked in red with Thaksin pins on their shirts. I didn't feel much of a threat, because I felt like I could take them :) Crowds are thinning, slightly (definitely not significantly), but there has not been any changes in the government yet. As each day passes in the raging heat, I feel like the protests can only go one way. Things could turn for the good, and the crowds leave due to change or exhaustion, or, well, I won't mention the other side in lieu of keeping a positive attitude. All we can continue to do is Pray for Peace! I'm not quite sure what the ritual of splattering the blood all over the government areas and then the Prime Minister's house signified but it was completed. I will spare you of the morbid pictures. I feel like they are running out of options. There has been mention of talks between the opposing sides in order to re-establish "kreng jai" (aware of other people's feelings showing politeness, respect, and consideration) atmosphere to the nation of Thailand. Hopefully these talks will happen sooner than later.
Monday, March 15, 2010
It's a Jungle Out There...
The demonstration is pretty much still a jungle. Two military men were injured when a hand grenade exploded. Red Shirts have also threatened to spread blood across the Government House on Tuesday morning drawing blood from the 100,000 supporters as some kind of symbolic action as the Government workers go to work in the morning. We might have a few other things to worry about like sharing needles for example... EEEEEEWWWW!!! I have to give it to them though because, so far, they have "pretty much" kept their promises of no violence as the heat rages and crowds grow, which is A LOT more than I would ever be able to say for a group of Americans. I mean, nobody asked me, but I just do not see an entire Government, full of politicians and supported by the elite of the country to just "bow out gracefully." I wish these Red Shirts would just back off so I can enjoy the beautiful country and people of Thailand outside of the JL Bangkok and Ramkhamhaeng University. But as I already mentioned, nobody asked me :) Continue to Pray for Peace!

This is a picture of Wanida Lunla and I in class, studying so diligently as you can tell. A little rough of me after a long day (9-4) in class, but just a little proof for ya Daddy that there is some educatin' goin' on :) Wanida is great and quite entertaining! Sorry about not posting yesterday, but I hope everyone has a beautiful Monday and a great week. Love to all!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sweet Little Vendor
I cannot forget another super sweet man on his special day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DADDY!! Words can't express how much I love you!! It's because of you that I am where I am

today. Your drive to do the best you can in life, HUGE heart for helping others, and faith in the Lord are such an inspiration to everyone, including your hard-headed world-traveler. I am so blessed to have grown up with you as my example in life, paving the way for me and Hannah, and most of all for being my Daddy!! I am also pretty lucky to have inherited your dashing good looks :) Thanks so much for all that you do!! Even though you don't really understand the meaning of take the day for YOURSELF, I hope that you do today. Just wish I could be there with you! I love you to the heavens and back!!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Peace Be With You

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Safety First
In keeping with the safety theme, I am pretty much confined to my hotel tomorrow. The whole city of Bangkok and numerous other surrounding areas are on a Red Alert because of threats of a Red Shirt (communist) demonstration. The security authority is estimating one-million Red shirts to attend the demonstration. 50,000 soldiers police civilians and volunteers have been set up around the city, lining the streets in order to maintain peace. However, the majority of the troops are not armed. A section of the Thai constitution allows for a peaceful assembly to express opinions, however, all security measures are being taken in case of violence. I am located far enough away from the area that is supposed to be the epicenter of the demonstration, but for safety measures I am going to take advantage of the down time and get some work done.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Tuesday's Gone with the Wind
Today was a long day of productivity. As hard as it is to sometimes remember, yes, I am here for school. I spent the day researching and fighting with my Photobooth movie recorder trying to post the lecture for my Public Speaking class. Sometimes productive days make me feel as if I have accomplished a lot, but todays work just reminded me that I have much more to do. My computer is probably about ready to bite the dust, so I will give it a rest and get back to some reading before I hit this rock solid bed once again. Good news, however, I slept 'til about 7:30 so maybe I'm finally kicking the jet-lag. I guess tomorrow shall tell. Goodnight/ morning to everyone at home!! I hope you have a great day :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Don't Just Stand There, Bust a Move
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Preparing for the Princess
Saturday, March 6, 2010
School Days
Today we started classes. Up, once again, bright and early, because I just can't seem to get used to this 13 hour difference, I missed breakfast and got to school way before anyone else. (Which is quite out of the norm for me) Students started showing up around 9, which is what time class begins, but continued to show up throughout the next hour. In my readings before the trip it was mentioned a few times that Thai's have no sense of time, they were not lying. We began with Hickson's usual "notecard orientation," which more-so than ever was very beneficial to me. This, being the graduate course, consisted of 14 students, one other American, a couple girls from Burma/Myanmar, a few Chinese but mostly Thais. Everyone seems to speak English well enough to understand what's going on in class but I have heard it's not the same in the undergraduate course. We were in class from 9-4 with a couple of breaks which makes for a long day. I don't believe i have sat in the same class that long since I was in the 6th grade. All-in-all it was a good, but long day as I am still fighting through the jet-lag. Finished the day with a little homework I neglected last week and a couple Singha's (Thai beer). Goodnight/Good morning to all that I love!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Birmingham to Bangkok
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