Today was a successful day of scoping out the shopping scene both near and far from the JL. I really have to give it to Dr. Hickson for being a patient shopping buddy, because I am sure he was just ecstatic to roam the streets and aisles of the numerous stores that I forced him into. I tried not to buy too much because a friend from class is taking off work on Wednesday to take me shopping. She grew up here so I am completely confident in her knowledge of where to go, what to get, and how to bargain. But, no worries, I didn't make it home empty handed because, of course, I had Baht burning in my pocket. The exchange rate being about 33 Baht to the dollar, creates an abundance of currency, which is usually not my problem, so you know I can barely stand not to pick up any of the Fayban's and Feiko watches as I pass the vendors daily. As I was wrapping up my day at the mall down the street, trying to figure out what I wanted for dinner, I stopped at a restaurant called MK's to look at the menu that was sitting outside. All of a sudden, no warning, no music, no nothing, the entire wait staff broke out into song and dance strategically standing throughout the entire restaurant. I wasn't sure if they really wanted me to come in and eat or if it was someone's birthday or what was going on. I guess I will never know because I couldn't understand the Thai words they were singing. I ended up not eating there tonight but I will probably be back soon because I told myself the dance was for me ;) All-in-all a good day! Well I didn't get much sleep last night because I blew the circuit, had no air or lights and had to pack up and move in the middle of the night, so I am off to sleep... I hope everyone has a good Monday!
hey...Price!! im Wanida
ReplyDeletei read your blog....and i wanna tell about dancing at MK restaurant !!
It's normal there...as a part of their policy of the service....
They fix the time for dancing....every waitress and waiter have to dance at the same time....not all day hahahaha......
so if you met this event that could be meant u r so lucky...hehehe like Bingo game ...that u saw they were dancing!!!
And the song all about how to service and make customer impressive....
i think it's great there....
at the first time i saw that i felt surprised also...what was that?....hahaha
So if you really wanna try....:D u should go....u 'll get good time there for sure.......
shop? price?
miss & love you.
have fun and be safe!!