Monday, March 15, 2010

It's a Jungle Out There...

So the title is a bit of an innuendo to the Monk theme song. That was for you Mama ;) Anyways, in all the political turmoil I figure a peaceful post would be a nice change. This is just a picture of a Buddhist monk walking the streets outside of the university. I see them fairly often and there is a local Wat, temple, on the same street as the JL. Traditionally, the monks wander, with few possessions, living simply, spending their time in meditation, the quest for spiritual knowledge and teaching others. Many monks these days have teaching certificates and run simple village schools, bringing education to remote areas. Monks take vows of poverty, which prevents them from eating after noon, and vows of celibacy, which prevents them from forming a priestly caste. There is a minority of monks who do not keep all of the 227 monastic vows and do not act as an appropriate monk but the majority act as examples of virtue in an increasingly immoral world. During chantings at the temples monks are seated on a platform above the public with their legs crossed. If the commoner was to sit in the cross-legged position in front of a monk they would be suggesting that they were his equal when, in fact, they are not. However, in everyday life, the cross-legged position is the most comfortable and common position when there is no chair available.

The demonstration is pretty much still a jungle. Two military men were injured when a hand grenade exploded. Red Shirts have also threatened to spread blood across the Government House on Tuesday morning drawing blood from the 100,000 supporters as some kind of symbolic action as the Government workers go to work in the morning. We might have a few other things to worry about like sharing needles for example... EEEEEEWWWW!!! I have to give it to them though because, so far, they have "pretty much" kept their promises of no violence as the heat rages and crowds grow, which is A LOT more than I would ever be able to say for a group of Americans. I mean, nobody asked me, but I just do not see an entire Government, full of politicians and supported by the elite of the country to just "bow out gracefully." I wish these Red Shirts would just back off so I can enjoy the beautiful country and people of Thailand outside of the JL Bangkok and Ramkhamhaeng University. But as I already mentioned, nobody asked me :) Continue to Pray for Peace!

This is a picture of Wanida Lunla and I in class, studying so diligently as you can tell. A little rough of me after a long day (9-4) in class, but just a little proof for ya Daddy that there is some educatin' goin' on :) Wanida is great and quite entertaining! Sorry about not posting yesterday, but I hope everyone has a beautiful Monday and a great week. Love to all!!

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